Green Constitutional Paradigm for Sustainable Environmental Development in the Capital of Archipelago : A Comparative Study with France and Ecuadorian Constitution


  • Daffa Ladro Kusworo University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Fitra Arsil University of Indonesia, Indonesia



Archipelago; Constitution; Environment.


Green constitution is one of the things that answers various kinds of public concerns related to the decline of environmental functions. Although the 1945 Constitution, as the Indonesian constitution, has attempted to contain articles on the environment in its body, Indonesia is still classified as a country that only regulates it formally. The implication that occurs is the planning of the National Capital City, which is being built with the concept of smart forest city, where the implementation is not studied in depth, which makes the impact of environmental damage in the form of deforestation and the length of sustainable environmental recovery. This research uses normative research methods that refer to the constitution by examining aspects related to the environment as a state of law, then analysed with relevant issues. The 1945 Constitution's accommodation of a green constitution is still far behind when compared to the constitutions of France and Ecuador, which both constitutionalise environmental law norms. The French constitution, for example, requires that every draft law produced by the French Parliament must follow the provisions and standards set out in the Environmental Charter as part of the French Constitution. The development of National Capital City towards the conditions and threats of environmental sustainability, which are currently very alarming, it is appropriate for us to lay and strengthen the conceptual foundations of environmental issues and sustainable development with an environmental perspective.


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How to Cite

Kusworo, D. L., & Arsil, F. (2024). Green Constitutional Paradigm for Sustainable Environmental Development in the Capital of Archipelago : A Comparative Study with France and Ecuadorian Constitution. Unifikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 11(02), 83–98.


